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SCP收容失效事故 Kirito5724 11946 2020-03-01 13:32



SCP-826 » 实验记录-826











装备:一(1)部GPS定位装置;一(1)部双向无线电台; 一(1)个装满水的水壶;一(1)把九毫米半自动手枪,附有额外弹药。





装备:一(1)部GPS定位装置;一(1)部双向无线电台; 一(1)个装满水的水壶;一(1)把九毫米半自动手枪,附有额外弹药;一(1)部固定在█████████特工帽子上的摄像机。


█████████特工从一扇壁橱门进入了一间旅馆房间,在调查了房间内部并确认自己无法从壁橱返回后,她离开了那一房间并顺走廊来到了旅馆大堂。█████████特工随后从前台后方进入了旅馆经理的办公室, 并在书架上的一堆账本旁边找到了SCP-826。该特工随后将DVD从SCP-826中取出并从办公室的出口回到了研究人员所在的房间。















注2:█████████特工与样本SCP-826-1于████/██/██ ██:██:██(█████████特工最后一次离开SCP-826内世界整72小时后)同时消失。我们未能找到两者留下的任何痕迹,且█████████特工在基金会的所有档案及备份档案中的存在都被抹去了。实验素材中的故事没有改变,但是增加了窃剑者名叫“加索尔(Galthor)”的描述。Edison博士再次要求此后对SCP-826进行的一切实验都必须用D级人员进行。

实验对象: D-826-01



实验结果:实验对象被要求将█████████特工带回。在实验对象进入SCP-826五分钟后仍未返回。C██████特工随后进入SCP-826并成功取回了摄像机与实验素材。实验素材的内容新增了对于一个“穿着奇装异服的男人”试图用某种“前所未见的魔法武器”阻止█████████特工的描述,对于此“魔法武器”的描述符合警用X26泰瑟枪的特征。之后的故事讲述了█████████特工如何用样本SCP-826-1将D-826-1击伤并“关进海列斯城(Castle Hyleth)最阴暗的地牢”。取回的影像记录记录了上述事件的发生。

实验对象:D-826-02 D-826-03 D-826-04 D-826-05 D-826-06以及D-826-07。以上六名D级人员均接受过军事训练。




注:█████████特工依然处于自我认知混乱的状态下,并坚称自己是名为“加索尔(Galthor)”的骑士。与之相似的是,D-826-01也坚称自己是“血法师(Blood Wizard)洛斯莫恩(Rothmorn)”,并且他一直想把样本SCP-826-1据为己有。D-826-01的警用X26泰瑟枪也被转化成了某种能够射出“闪电”的“法杖”,其物理性质被初步判定为与样本SCP-826-1相同。该样本已被归档为样本SCP-826-2并送至Site-██以进行进一步测试。此外,D-826-02 D-826-03 D-826-04 D-826-05 D-826-06 以及D-826-07均坚称自己是前来帮助“加索尔(Galthor)”的“王座骑士(Knights of the Throne)”。

注2:█████████特工,D-826-01,D-826-02 D-826-03 D-826-04 D-826-05 D-826-06 D-826-07以及样本SCP-826-2于████/██/██ ██:██:██(与上次实验相同,该时间为6名D级人员离开SCP-826内世界整72小时后)同时消失。实验素材中的描述增加了关于“加索尔(Galthor)”的6名身为“王座骑士(Knights of the Throne)”的伙伴的内容,且记载了这6位骑士的“奥术武器”来自于一位名为“埃迪森格拉德(Edisongrad)”的善良法师。现已查明并记录了全部接触过SCP-826-2及SCP-826的人员名单。建议对一切接触过从SCP-826中取出的创造物的研究人员进行持续监视。



首席研究员:Luis Padrona Escopa博士


使用素材:一份对于1981年的一次发生于Site-█的[ 本可避免的 ] Keter级收容失效的安保记录。



Head Researcher: Dr. Praetorious

Subject: D-21094

Material: Death by the Book by Julianna Deering

Equipment: One (1) canteen filled with water one (1) watch one (1) video camera attached to Test Subject's headset

Results: Upon entering the test subject returned after 15 minutes. After interviewing the subject and reviewing the footage it was discovered that the beginning of the novel was the first location found by the subject being the murder scene that is investigated by the main characters and sets the stage for the remainder of the book. The characters being from a 1930’s period piece reacted inquisitively to the D-class’ alien clothing and behavior but did not impede the subject’s examination of the surroundings. In fact at one point the investigator Chief Inspector Birdsong interpreted the orange jumpsuit worn by the subject as meaning they were from the coroner’s office and encouraged them to wait nearby until he was finished examining the crime scene.

It was at this time that video showed the murder weapon used in the crime and sitting next to the body originally written as a marble bookend shaped like a bust of William Shakespeare was in fact one half of SCP-826. The novel that had been entered was lying on the floor roughly half-way between the “murder weapon” and the other half of SCP-826. The test subject immediately retrieved the novel despite the protests of the characters and exited the novel before they could react.

Upon examination the novel now contained an additional character to the first chapter described as an “opportunistic thief” who took advantage of the crime to “pilfer the belongs of the deceased”. Of special note is that the murder weapon was now a “handsome bookend of particular high quality”.

This is the first reported incident of SCP-826 integrating itself into the plot of a novel. It might be an indicator of sentience or merely the narrative taking advantage of the fact that the SCP is identical to an item already in the novel. More testing is suggested.

Head Researcher: Dr. Aaron Torres

Subject: D-87631

Material: A copy of "A Game of Thrones" by George R.R Martin.

Equipment: One (1) Military-grade sabre

Results: Upon entering the test subject found itself in a circular room with a table in it. At the table were the members of the "Small Council" as described in the original work. Test subject was instructed to disembowel the first human it sees in the work; this human happened to be "Lord Eddard Stark" a major character of the book. Upon examination after D-87631 exited the room the book contained several new paragraphs on an attempt by a "very unintelligent assassin" on Eddard Stark's life. According to the text Eddard recovered quickly despite D-87631 reassuring Dr. Torres that "I stabbed him until he was definitely not going to live." The description of the attack supports this; it is theorized that SCP-826 takes measures to preserve the core narrative of the story.

The purpose of this test was to see what would happen if we did something that would effect the main plot of a complex story; such as A Song of Ice and Fire. Also I love that book. -Dr. Torres

Head Researcher: Dr. Zocvi

Subject: D-2828

Material: After Man by Dougal Dixon

Equipment: Two (2) canteens filled with water two (2) bags of trail mix one (1) jacket one (1) sleeping bag one (1) head mounted camera

Results: Upon entering the test subject found that it was in temperate forest. D-2828 walked for about 30 minutes before it found a small clearing in the trees where it set up camp eventually sleeping. Upon waking up the subject packed up and ate and drank its remaining trail mix and water. D-2828 walked back into the forest where after 28 minutes subject came across a small group of Rabbucks grazing. The test subject was watching them when it seemed to realise that the Rabbucks were getting anxious. Subject then turned around and saw a group of five Falanx closing in on them. After the subject turned around the Rabbucks fled at full speed. Showing signs of fear subject ran at full speed and followed the Rabbucks. Subject ran roughly 54 metres before one of the Falanx tackled and bit subject on the leg. At that point the subject took a sharp stick and stabbed at the Falanx's eye causing it to run away. Subject ran for 6 minutes until it reached a stream in which SCP-826 was sitting on a boulder. The subject walked towards it and picked up SCP-826. Subject saw a cave and walked through it returning to the testing chamber. One of the pictures in the book now showed D-2828 fighting off the Falanx titled "The last human to ever live.".

The reason for us testing is to see the effects on a book with illustrations.- Dr. Zocvi

Head Researcher: Dr. King

Subject: D-48279

Material: The Odd Couple by Neil Simon

Equipment: One (1) head mounted camera.

Results: Subject arrived in a landscape consistent with Pioneer-Era America. He encounters a man traveling down a road matching historical descriptions of Jonathan Chapman who greets the subject and continues walking. Subject sees SCP-826 in the branches of a nearby tree then returns to the testing chamber through a passage in the hollow of said tree. The book originally placed in SCP-826 is found to have been replaced with a modified copy of "Johnny Appleseed" by Rosemary Carr Benét.

Addendum: Upon discovery of the book Doctor King excused himself to the hallway. He was heard screaming expletives for approximately a minute before reentering the test chamber. He refused to view the footage of the test.

Head Researcher: Dr. Xythinien

Subject: D-828022

Material: The Hobbit by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

Equipment: One (1) golden ring one (1) set of diving clothing one (1) head-mounted camera

Results: Upon entry the subject found themselves in the Gladden Fields in Third Age 2463. Subject was instructed to exchange the ring that they had brought with them for the One Ring which was still located underwater at the time. The subject did so just as Déagol and Sméagol arrived and was then instructed to seek shelter and surveil the events which took place. Sméagol is seen being pulled into the water by the fish and grabs the false ring instead before discarding it. As they depart D-828022 is instructed to put on the ring.


Addendum: Subject was terminated shortly after the incident which resulted in Sauron's complete takeover and later destruction of Middle-Earth.

